Tuesday, February 16, 2010

With just one look...

Last night Jake and I took sometime to have a little photo shoot with Nash. I think he enjoyed himself. I thought I would share some of the photos with you all.
I can hardly believe that he is 7 1/2 months old. He amazes me everyday with how much he changes. Oh update on the sleeping news...
Last night was the first night of No wrap and no night time feed. After about 20 minutes of crying he finally fell asleep. Then around 1am he awoke and CRIED for 35 minutes. It was so hard to not get up and run to his rescue. All i could think of was the final episode of Mad About You, when they sit out side their baby girls door listening to her cry trying to decide if they should give in and help. I/we stayed strong, after making Jake wake up and listen with me for moral support. Then he quieted down and fell fast asleep until 9am. WOW!!!
All day he took naps without being wrapped and not needing to be rocked to sleep. I pray that it continues this way. It is just so hard to listen to babies cry.

anyways here are the photos. Just thought I would update everyone.



Jacquelyn said...

love these pics! way to go Lizzie. Stay strong. It will all be worth it when he sleeps the nights away and YOU do TOO!

Zach Lien said...

These are great! He looks so adorable in those outfits. They probably won't even fit him anymore by this summer, huh?-hope