Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Where is my motivation hiding?

As you know Jake and I are moving... in LESS then two weeks. I have so much to do and instead i am sitting on my couch thinking 'boy i should really be doing something other than blogging.' Not to mention we are hosting a yard sale tomorrow and i just started going through everything. I know that i work best under pressure, but this is getting down to the wire. I went to the doctor today due to some dizziness, perhaps because i can not walk in a straight line in my home. He asked me if i am under any stress. 
What kind of question is that. I don't consider myself a stressful person, but if their is a time to be a little stressed perhaps its now. Up until about 3 weeks ago i have never used a planner and now its full, let me know if i need to pencil you in for anything. I am unemployed and busier then ever. My house is clean for about an hour then somehow life happens and creates a disaster. I have junk everywhere (OK not junk! Valuable stuff that will be sold at the yard sale.) I feel like i have more to do at this moment in my life than i did when i got married. Maybe that's because i really didn't do much for my wedding. I know that every moment of stress is worth it. Every thought of 'I cant believe we are doing this' is a thought worth having. Every moment of joy held now will surely be multiplied when serving others. Life is worth living! Even the moments that might just feel worthless. 

Monday, August 18, 2008

once upon a wedding...

Well Jake and I photographed our first wedding!
It was wonderful, and fun to work with Jake. 
Taking photos has always been a passion of mine.
I love to capturing the amazing moments in life.
Hopefully when we return from SD I will in roll in a photography 
program to pursue my passion.  i am sure you will see more!