Friday, October 3, 2008

Oh the joy in problems

I have a problem!


I do not enjoy reading when I am told I have to. So Serve God Save the Planet was good and all. Well everything I read of it, but I just get to a point around chapter 10 that I feel bored or frustrated. ‘Why do I have to read this?’ ‘I know there are a lot of great points, but let me choose when I want to jump in and learn to hang dry my clothes or get rid of my dog.” I wish I could sit here, well stand I guess and tell you all the great things I enjoyed about the book I read, but I can’t. It just so happened that I was simply taken over by another book that has forever changed my view on my father. No not my dad, but God. As I read each page I could feel my soul breaking free from the lies its been told my whole life. I felt the distant, punisher of a God become tangible and compassionate. I felt Jesus next to me, holding me, helping me lift the heavy load to the dumpster. I have begun to feel the Holy Spirit breath life into my deflated lungs.


I have been FREED!


What joy I have knowing that in my life I will never be alone. I have never been alone. I will never disappoint my God. You will never disappoint our God, our Father, and our savior.





1 comment:

Zach Lien said...

what's with the picture of "The Shack"? is this the book you are talking about, or were you talking about "Serve God, Save the Planet"?
