Thursday, February 25, 2010



well not just a mouse, mice. Now we not only live with 4 other adults a baby and a dog, but a house full  of MICE.
The worst part is its not just our townhouse that has them, they all do. So even if we fight the good fight we can't make others fight it as hard. So far we have killed 5 mice. Zach and Hope took the life of the first mouse. Killing it with a frying pan, just like you would see in the cartoons. Emery, thats right Emery he killed the second one, but now were not to sure if he just thought it was a toy and had no idea it was a living creature. The next 3 were all killed by a trap. We did have a near catch last night. Oh it was so close. Dave and Jake almost had the little bugger until it ran between Jakes feet and right under Zach and Hopes bedroom door (sorry guys).
Needless to say, sleep has not been easy to come by. At night you can hear them running through the walls, scratching on things and all you can do is pray that they choose to NOT climb on your face in the middle of the night.

If you would like a visual of what it is like at our home check this video out....

ok so not the same, but close.
Hopefully this battle will end soon with us being the winners!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

With just one look...

Last night Jake and I took sometime to have a little photo shoot with Nash. I think he enjoyed himself. I thought I would share some of the photos with you all.
I can hardly believe that he is 7 1/2 months old. He amazes me everyday with how much he changes. Oh update on the sleeping news...
Last night was the first night of No wrap and no night time feed. After about 20 minutes of crying he finally fell asleep. Then around 1am he awoke and CRIED for 35 minutes. It was so hard to not get up and run to his rescue. All i could think of was the final episode of Mad About You, when they sit out side their baby girls door listening to her cry trying to decide if they should give in and help. I/we stayed strong, after making Jake wake up and listen with me for moral support. Then he quieted down and fell fast asleep until 9am. WOW!!!
All day he took naps without being wrapped and not needing to be rocked to sleep. I pray that it continues this way. It is just so hard to listen to babies cry.

anyways here are the photos. Just thought I would update everyone.


Monday, February 15, 2010


Lets say day 16...

Last night as I prepared for bed, I decided to check my email. Well check one of my many email addresses.   I noticed that I had a bunch of responses to emails I had never sent.... 'oh crap, i've been hacked.' was the first thought that went through my mind. Then the second thought was what in the world was send to all my friends, family, and past coworkers? Well I am pretty sure it was a link to some sort of viagra. Needless to say I did not send this link to you. Sorry if you opened it. I sure hope nothing happens to you.
I am just left wondering, 'how did this happen to me?' I don't believe I ever clicked on any Viagra ads...

Well... I guess we will just wait and see what happens. those sneaky hackers good on ya for crack'n my code.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Can butter mold?

Day.... who the heck knows.

I love long weekends. I love having Jake home with Nash and I. This weekend is going to be a little tough. We are trying to get Nash to sleep with no wrap at night and stop waking up for feedings. Needless to say there are lots of tear shed throughout the night. So a restful weekend has become a time of challenge and a test of wills.


Stay positive right? Well thats what I hear is good to do.
So for the ever so popular Love holiday jake gave me a new battery charger for my small camera. I am very excited, I have not been able to use it for about a year. So be prepared for new photos.

Can butter go moldy? Jake just asked me, so I thought I would ask you. I have no idea. Anyways. a short, but truthful look into my day.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

black and white

Day 15

I have always loved black and white photography and would love to spend more time educating myself on the art of it. I though i would post a few photos that I really enjoy. I did NOT take these, tho I wish I had.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sucking in...

Day 14

I thought that this post should be a little bit more light hearted, but then again I feel a war going on inside of me, so I must write about those things. There will be a time for light heartedness and when that day comes I will be sure to let you know.

In this post I want to touch on a few things... First, my sister commented on my last post about becoming more simple. Here is a little deeper explanation to that. I want to start by saying I feel called to live my life this way, please feel in no way the things I am about to say are a judgment upon you or the way anyone else is living. This is simply how I feel and feel called to live. I am accountable for my life and my life alone. 
Jake and I are EXTREMELY fortunate. We have everything we need to survive. We have each other, we have Nash, we have love, food and a great support system. Most of all we have a God who has and would do anything for US. What more could we ask for?
Well, apparently A LOT.  
 I catch myself saying 'I NEED ____ .' all the time. Then I try to make myself feel a little better by changing the words and saying 'I would really like___.' but does that make it any better? When, and if ever will I become content? Ok I am getting a little of track. 
The reason we are choosing to sell our things is two fold. 
1. We have realized these items have become tools to waste our time here on earth. Sure we can argue good reasons to keep all of them, but in the long run are they making us better, more loving, compassionate, selfless individuals? 
2. To live simply to me, does not involve excess of 'things'. To have things we can live without and feel no spiritual pull to keep, then well why keep them? Why hoard, when the money we spend buying these items could be used for a much better purpose. 

OK I hope that was a little better explanation...

Now to the second half of the post... stay with me will you?

This part piggybacks off a post a few days ago about 'My story'. I try really hard to fit into the life I have here. I try to feel a part of what's going on. I put on a mask of loving it here (well not so much right now in the middle of the winter). Here is a little analogy for you all. 
Minnesota for me is like my favorite pair of old jeans. I bought them freshman year of college and wore them everywhere. Those jeans tattered at the bottom, holes in the knees have seen the best and worst that Minnesota can offer. They have sat on many different family coaches and friends living room floors. The jeans began to feel soft and smooth from the love they received. Holes started to appear in the back pockets from who knows what and belt loops ripped right off from being pulled up over the hip bones. Then came the day when they were unwearable, to the old clothes, to important to throw away bin they went. I moved on from them, to new jeans not the same but new ones. I traveled, met new friends and made a new story. Then as it would be, life brought be back and I had to dig through the old bin and put those old jeans back on, as all the old memories ran through my mind I became excited. I slipped one leg in at a time, grabbed the waistband, and slid them up, then it happened. I had to suck in. I had to hold my breath to zip them up and the button hardly pushed through the hole. 
They were on. 
Not the same, not even close. Uncomfortable, stiff, tight and hard to breath and move in. 
I am forced to wear them. To live in them, walk in them. 
I am still sucking in. 
When will I be able to let it out and breath again?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

becoming more simple...

Day 13... well sort of...

As you can see I have fallen behind on my own 30 day challenge. I will not let this get me down. I will still continue to do my best at blogging on a daily basis, but it might be a little more spaced out.

So the other day on a car ride home, from I can't really remember jake started talking to me about simplifying our lives even more and getting rid of the 'time wasters' we have. At first I wasn't sure what it was he was talking about, but as he explained it all started to become a reality to me. Jake and I have always talked about living a simpler life, with less material things, but its hard. For some reason we seem to be able to talk the talk better then walk it. So here now we have decided to take, hopefully with a better outcome then my blogging challenge a 30 day get rid of our time wasters challenge. It is our time to Get simple. Wish us luck and keep us accountable.

p.s if you know anyone interested in a Tv, Xbox, Video camera or computer just let us know...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Who reads anyways...

Day 12

Today happened to be one of my better days. I was able to relax, spend time alone and as always drink some wonderful coffee. It also happened to be our friend Marks birthday so in celebration of his birth we went to Maxwells for an early happy hour, cause well... were old. It was good to sit in fellowship, eat a burger and laugh. Now I am sitting at home watching my husband play Xbox while our friend Drew studies for a test, and I blog while waiting for my freshly painted canvas to dry.

Growing up I hated reading. I can not recall a single book successfully completed before I hit college. Even being in Awana while I was younger I hated reading the memory books, and trying to memorize scripture. My group leader used to give all the girls in my group candy if I would have memorized one, lets just say that never really happened. I don't know why I hated reading so much. My mom loved it and so did my sister, for me it was a form of torture. Until recently I would have never chose to read a book out of sheer pleasure. Then who the heck knows what happened, boredom, maturity, or perhaps divine intervention? I started enjoying reading, and enjoying it a lot. For the most part I have read non-fiction and been able to get a lot out of them, but that can get a little overwhelming. So now I am on the kick of reading Fictional books. I love being able to loose myself for awhile with characters that live lives totally different then mine, and seeing where thats going to get them. I hope I keep up with this enjoyment of reading and thanks to my friend Jackie it has been a little bit more possible. (she keeps giving me good books.) I have decided to show you a few of my latest and most favorite reads.

"But you don't  have to take my word for it."