Thursday, March 18, 2010

let the vacation begin...

Nash and I made it safe and sound. We started pretty early, well not that early in the morning around 7 am. Our friend "auntie Hope" brought us to the airport and THANKFULLY helped me carry in 1 large suitcase, a car seat, stroller, 2 carry-ons a jacket and Nash. The whole time walking up to the check in I was thinking.. 'what did I get myself into?' Luckily Nash was able to get on the plane after a slight scare late tuesday night realizing he doesn't have a birth certificate. Why no birth certificate?Long story! Anyways Once we checked in, passed through security with some help from the security officer lady saying to her coworker, 'help this lady she's alone doing this by herself.' Thanks rub it in why don't you.. then I thought hey I will take all the help I can get, this stuff in HEAVY! 
Our first flight and Nash's REAL first flight was from Minneapolis to Denver. We were lucky to have an open seat right next to us, which I quickly took over with baby crap. The gentlemen next to us was wonderful, he made sure the air vent wasn't blowing on the baby, but selfishly I enjoyed the cool breeze after working up a sweat carry everything. Nash feel asleep for a good hour then the last hour we played with whatever we could find to keep his interest. The Styrofoam cup, bad for the environment but great airplane toy came in handy. 
Once we landed in Denver we were at gate 54. Our next flight from Rapid was due to depart from gate 58. Praise the Lord. I was carrying two HEAVY bags, pushing nash in a tiny stroller and doing everything I could to keep him from crying. Once we got to our gate, I unloaded. sat down and not even a minute later the man came on the loud speaker say 'I am sorry but the flight to Rapid has been moved to gate 98, we thought you all could use a little more cardio.' 
You have got to be kidding me. So I got up repacked, and got ready for the cross country hike. Once we arrived I sat down again relieved to have arrived in one piece. Then to our luck. I heard the same thing again only this time to gate 86. Oh dear. In the end we made it. Got on the plane and Nash fell asleep the moment after take off and slept the entire flight even through the landing. 

And now we are here. Enjoying our stay. Nash Loves sleeping in his PeaPod. They are tents for babies and much easier to carry around then a pack'n Play. More update on our trip will come I am sure. 


Mrs. Hawk said...

You had a connecting flight!? Oh My Word! I'm so glad that he slept for you. That could have been a horrible experience. Did you check any bags? Miss you guys!

Jake Ladd said...

Wow! wait to go Lizzie. love that pic of Nash having some starbucks on the flight.