Friday, January 29, 2010

Alone... well sort of...

Day 10

A moment to be proud... I made it to day 10!

10pm on a friday night and I am sitting in an empty house. OK not really empty. Nash is sleeping and Emery is snoring away next to me, but I am the only adult in the house. This does not happen very often with 6 grownups living under one roof. I don't mind being alone. Time to relax and do whatever I want for a little while, but I also love it when my roommates get home. I don't believe that I could ever live on my own. I was created to be with people, more then just being by myself. I enjoy great conversation and just feeling the presence of others around me. Perhaps thats one reason why I LOVE living in community.
I am blessed to have interesting people to talk to on a daily basis and gain insight from their wisdom.

well not alone anymore, Jake just came home from celebrating his dads birthday at the Wolves game. They were able to sit right behind the bench... I am sure jake LOVED that.

I am looking forward to this weekend to have time to relax with my family and spend more time focusing on my soul. I feel like my mind is a little all over the place tonight and i am sorry for the discombobulation of this blog.


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