Saturday, January 23, 2010

When the rain pours...

Day 5

With six minutes to spare I made it to day five. Pretty impressive if I say so myself. Today was like any other Saturday. I was woken up by a beautiful baby, then enjoyed a wonderful cup of french pressed coffee. Later in the day Jake and I joined Jeff and Carol for a fantastic dinner and great fellowship. Now is my time to sit and reflect on the day and how I saw God at work.

God is all around. Even in the cold, the snow and the freezing rain. There are many times that I seem to forget this, but thankfully God has not forgotten me. I feel frustrated and discontent much of the time and I am in the process of figuring out why my soul is in so much angst. This is not an easy self reflection to undergo, but even when the rain pours God is with me.

There is GRACE for that.


John, Renee, Levi, and Emerson said...

I like that you are blogging for 30 days! Lizzie, you have so many interesting things to read about.

Anonymous said...