Friday, January 22, 2010

So they say I need structure...

 DAY 4
Well I have heard that some might like it if I were to write with a little more structure (Kevin Kinley) and its OK to feel that way, but it is 30 days of me and well I am not known to be very structured. Sure I could pick one subject to write about, but then again what if something comes up and it interests me more to write about that? So needless to say... structure is thrown out the window. I love you Kevin, but this is me. Thanks for the advice though, I hope you continue to read.

Today has been a good Friday...
Time with Nash, time alone and time with friends. I couldn't ask for a better start to the weekend. Right now I am sitting with my friends and just finished up playing a game of ticket to ride where I came in 2nd place by only 2 points. It would have been nice to win, but its like they say 'first in the worst, second is the best'. Now i must make this a short post and spend sometime with my friends.



Zach Lien said...

Who did you hang out with? I wish we could have joined. We had game night tonight too. I lost terribly at mexican train dominos. man.

Anonymous said...

ok, first – I didn't necessarily mean that you need structure. What I meant to say was that maybe it would be helpful if you had an overlying theme, like "Lizzie's thought of the day" or something... Either way, I'll be reading it.

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it